Thursday, October 14, 2010

Stakeholder interview: Karly

I received many of the same answers, and a few different, when I interviewed a student, a staff member, and a person in the community. I asked them all where their inspiration comes from and the student said that he gets his inspiration from books because that is what interests him the most. The faculty member and the person in the community said their inspiration comes from their children and from nature. Another question I asked them was what is unique about this century and they all agreed that the advancement of technology has really made the 21st century different from the others. The student also brought up a very interesting point in that in this century there is a lack of face to face communication, which is a negative. The values of the 21st century also changed. The student said his values and views on the world have become more cynical and pessimistic because he has seen more of it. His faith in religion also has changed, and no longer believes in an organized religion. He values a person’s own ability to make their own decisions. The adults value family, children, and their friends. They believe in being kind to one another and also that money is not as important as other things in the world. Many people in this century spend a lot of time working, playing on the computer and watching television.

When looking at a piece of artwork they all want to see color, design, and originality. They also believe that the artist should have an intention or meaning for the painting/ work, but they do not necessarily have to get it. They prefer the work to be clear and focused as well and also say something about the world. They all agreed that art that is to abstract and does not have a meaning that is easy to grasp is not the best kind of artwork. They also think art should be pleasing to the eye. We can use all this information for making our sculpture of the 21st century human by including hobbies, inspirations, and values from the ideas of these three people.

When I think of the 21st century the words computer, cell phones, lap tops, and GPS pop in my head because after all the 21st century is known as the fastest growing technology century. All these advances in technology can be an advantage and disadvantage. For instance, my sister Vesna which is getting a degree in Public Relations believes technology has scared people because it prevents people from having the basic communicating skills. She says “People are too stuck behind their computers to even walk outside to have a conversation with someone and this is a major problem." I agree with her because sure computers are an easy way of communicating with people but it’s more of a challenge to have a conversation with someone in person and for me personally I rather take a challenge.
All three of the people I interviewed have one thing in common which was valuing the originality in art. Originality to them was important because it’s what makes artwork stand out. If it stands out then it’s appealing to the eye and it’s worth a glance. Second, what they all looked for was meaning behind the piece of artwork because "if there is nothing to tell then what is it worth" Ms. Ress says. Whether this inspiration comes from family or friends it should come from somewhere personal from the artist to express meaning. I thought it was pretty unique that all three of the people I interviewed valued the originality in art because I expected people to say that if it’s pretty its art but from this I concluded that different people due value the depth in artwork.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stakeholder Interviews

To me, the 21st century is different than all of the previous centuries because we have advanced so much in technology. When I interviewed three stakeholders; my mother, my business teacher, and my friend, they all had the same thoughts that I did. They all believed that technology is a huge part of the 21st century and that most of people's time have been used up because of technology. They also said that they value time and life very much stating that they feel as though we live in a fast paced society and time is very important.
While interviewing, I had came to conclusions that all of the stakeholders had similar values in art. All three stakeholders said they enjoy sports, making them enjoy entertainment and viewing entertainment as an art. One of my stakeholders gave an example of the painter Thomas Kinkade and how he is the "artist of light". This particular artist paints in a way that when the light is focused on the painting it makes the colors and images pop out. My stakeholders valued originality, aesthetics, and technique. They value the new ideas of the 21st century, art that is pleasing to the eye, and art that is uniform and created very well and precise.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Forming Teams

Team Name: Smash
Motto: Just keep moving

Vera- Computers, Creative, Loud
Carrie- Computers
Karly- Art

Vera- Leader
Carrie- Computer person
Karly- Note taker and idea gatherer

1. Do work on time
2. Do not be late to meetings and do not ditch any
3. listen to everyone
4. be respectful
5. say what you think and do not be shy
6. stay on task